[09.11.2023] ENPOR presents: Connecting energy poor communities
Addressing energy poverty is an essential part of the just and inclusive energy transition process. …
[9/10/23] ENPOR presents: discover the Energy Poverty Dashboard!
A one-hour event to discuss and present the capacities of the ENPOR Energy Poverty Dashboard.…
[16.11.23] ENPOR final event – Combatting energy poverty in Europe: towards an inclusive and just energy transition
During three years of comprehensive research and practical experience in several EU countries, ENPOR successfully…
[07.09.23] ENPOR presents: Methodologies and tools to quantify split incentives
💡How can the costs of energy efficiency measures be fairly distributed between landlords and tenants?…
[19.10.23] Workshop on Fighting Energy Poverty: Tackling energy poverty in a strategic way
The Covenant of Mayors Europe joins forces one last time with the ENPOR Project and…
[28.06.23] ENPOR at the Community Energy Academy
Building energy citizenship: inclusive housing approaches for energy citizens and communities A sister project of…
[15.06.23] ENPOR presents: Insights and Innovations in Energy Advice
This event is now passed, catch up with the recording and event briefing in our…
[25.05.23] ENPOR joins the UIPI renovation tour for a second edition!
The UIPI Renovation Tour – Owners on Board event series continues with ENPOR participation in…
[21.06.23] Meet ENPOR at EUSEW – Tackling energy poverty through national building renovation plans
On 21 June 2023, 16:30-18:00 CET, ENPOR will take the stage at the EU Sustainable…
[24.04.23 – online] Reducing energy poverty in the Private Rented Sector: How to reach tenants
Recording now available Energy poverty is a socio-economic phenomenon caused by a triad of low…
[31.03.2023] Thematic Seminar #1 – Examples from quantifying the split-incentive problem in the private rented sector in the national level
Was organised by ENPOR on the Friday 31st of March, 11-12am CET A visual briefing…
Express your interest to participate: ENPOR Capacity building event series
ENPOR Capacity building activities are being designed to overcome information gaps regarding the multidimensional effects…
International Energy Poverty Action Week, 20th-24th February 2023
The International Energy Poverty Action Week (IEPAW) returned in February 2023 for its second edition…
[14.11.22] – Lunch talk – A safe winter for all: sharing experiences of local energy saving actions from EU municipalities
Energy Poverty Advisory Hub, Covenant of Mayors and ENPOR webinar/lunch talk 14th November, from 13:30…
[31.05.22] ENPOR Lunch Talk: Tackling Split Incentives: A European Outlook
This Lunch Talk explored the dimensions of split incentives as well as how the issue…
[28-29.06.22] Energy Poverty Advisory Hub Conference – Moving Towards Energy Autonomy: How to Guarantee Social Inclusion
The 2nd Energy Poverty Advisory Hub (EPAH) international conference will take place on 28-29 June…
[05.04.2022] ENPOR Lunch Talk – Tailored Measures for Energy Poverty
Read more and watch the recording of the April 5th ENPOR Lunch Talk with invited…
[11.03.2022] Policy Event in Greece: UIPI Renovation Tour continues in Athens
UIPI continutes its UIPI Renovation Tour – Owners on Board series of events in 2022.…
[23.02.2022] ENPOR at the Europe Day of the International Energy Poverty Action Week
ENPOR has co-organised the International Energy Poverty Action Week’s Europe Day on DAY 3: WEDNESDAY, 23.02.2022…
[24.01.2022 – 28.01.2022]The Right to Energy Forum
As gas prices soar, millions across Europe are facing a ‘winter of disconnections’, the worst…
[07.12.2021] ENPOR Lunch Talk – Energy Prices Skyrocket in Europe: Will Fit for 55 help the energy poor?
Click here to view the event recording. The third Lunch Talk focused on how the…
[02.11.2021] ENPOR Lunch Talk – Making Energy Poverty Measures Visible for the Private Rented Sector
This event was the launch of a new online tool to support authorities to improve…
[28.10.2021] ENPOR at EUSEW: Policies and solutions to tackle Energy Poverty in the Private Rented Sector
This energy talk was led by the EU-funded project ENPOR’s coordinator, Vlasis Oikonomou (IEECP), with…
[05.10.21] First Lunch Talk: Energy Poverty in the PRS – Barriers and Solutions.
The ENPOR Project’s First Lunch Talk on Energy Efficiency Policy Implementation in the European Private…
[20.02.2021] Conference Report Available: Energy poverty at the crossroads of the European Pillar of Social Rights and the European Green Deal by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)
The Conference on Energy poverty at the crossroads of the European Pillar of Social Rights…
[02.09.2021] The ENPOR Policy Forum Discussed First ENPOR Results
The ENPOR Advisory Board came together to review and give feedback on the first outcomes…
[09.09.2021] Event material- Municipalities’ actions to alleviate energy poverty
The Workshop “Energy Poverty: Why is it important and how can municipalities fight it?” was…