[09.11.2023] ENPOR presents: Connecting energy poor communities
Addressing energy poverty is an essential part of the just and inclusive energy transition process.
In the past years, the energy poverty situation has exacerbated further with rapidly rising energy prices and inflation, pushing more people into energy poverty and worsening their living standards.
In various ways, governments are trying to lessen the burden of the crisis on the citizens but some groups are more vulnerable and susceptible to shocks on the energy market.
One of such groups is the private rented sector and tenants.
They are often not targeted by the state as a vulnerable group, but with the rising problems in affordable housing – the focus is shifting on them as well.
The ENPOR project, which started in 2020 and targets tenants as vulnerable groups living in potentially energy poverty focuses on implementation of policies that targeted the private rented sector, presents „Connecting energy poor communities“ a webinar that invited experts to discuss on energy communities as a solution to energy poverty.
Experts from Croatia and Greece presented the situation in their country, an example of good practice and future steps that should be taken.