[10.03.21] Synthesis Report from the Oxford University Programme on Integrating Renewable Energy
Key findings from the Oxford University’s 5 year Programme on Integrating Renewable Energy have been brought together in a Synthesis Report.
The programme adopted a whole systems approach to explore challenges and barriers facing the further integration of renewable energy and identified potential solutions for the energy system across technical, social, economic, and governance issues. The Report draws together key findings across this multidisciplinary programme, showcasing the work and research undertaken, and giving links to where more information and resources can be found. The Synthesis Report highlights that:
- Solar and wind are the cheapest forms of electricity generation and will be key to a low carbon energy system, together with storage and flexibility;
- Their use will depend critically on integrating variable generation into electricity networks;
- Any solution will involve a mix of flexible generation, flexible demand, inter-connection and storage;
- Changes are urgently needed to energy market design, regulation and governance to accelerate decarbonisation and the ability to meet Net Zero emissions by 2050; and
- Changing energy systems requires a whole system approach, with multidisciplinary solutions to maximise successful outcomes.
Moving to a renewable and low carbon energy future is an immense challenge but one that is accepted by society across the world as urgently needed to combat climate change.
Never before have the roles of citizens, civil society, businesses, and governance been so important in shaping the energy transition.
You can read it online here: https://bit.ly/IntegrateRenewableEnergy