[02.03.21] ENPOR joins forces with other projects, discover them!
We are glad to start a partnership with key projects working, like ENPOR partners, on alleviating energy poverty, in various European regions, for various household categories and through different actions that complete each other. Let’s introduce them briefly here, and of course we invite you to follow their activities and subscribe to their newsletters!
SocialWatt aims to enable energy suppliers and utilities across Europe to develop, adopt, test and spread innovative energy poverty schemes. More specifically, the project aims to build the capacity of energy suppliers and utilities and enable them to use the decision support tools developed within the framework of the project to effectively target energy poor households and implement energy efficiency schemes. Participating utilities and energy suppliers from Croatia, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Romania and Spain are developing Energy Poverty Action plans, which will outline innovative schemes and actions to alleviate energy poverty. Subsequently, energy efficiency interventions at the household level will be facilitated and the increased use of renewable energy will be fostered. https://socialwatt.eu/
ComAct – Community tailored actions for energy poverty mitigation
The countries in the Central and Eastern European region and in the former Soviet Union republics have the most energy-poor people in Europe. This is mainly due to high energy prices and poor energy efficiency of the buildings, heating systems and household appliances. In this region, the housing stock is predominantly privately-owned and characterised by a large percentage of multi-family apartment blocks. Undertaking renovation works in multi-family buildings requires coordinated action among the apartment owners. To address the complex roots of energy poverty, there is a need to develop a new approach to make interventions affordable, substantially influence energy costs and consequently reduce the high energy poverty level in the CEE and CIS region. ComAct aims to make impactful energy-efficient improvements in multi-family apartment buildings in the Central and Eastern European (CEE) region and in the former Soviet Union republics (CIS region) affordable and manageable for energy-poor communities as well as to create the necessary assistance conditions for lifting them out of energy poverty. https://comact-project.eu/
The overall objective of EmpowerMed is to tackle energy poverty and to help improve health of people in the coastal areas of Mediterranean countries, with a particular focus on women.
Specific objectives are to raise public awareness on energy poverty and the means for its alleviation, focusing on the specifics of coastal areas, gender and health aspects; implement practical solutions tailored to empower households affected by energy poverty and formulate local, national and EU policy recommendations and promote solutions to tackle energy poverty. https://www.empowermed.eu/
Solutions to Tackle Energy Poverty (STEP) is a project to develop a simple, innovative and replicable model of measures to address energy poverty. The project covers some of the countries with the highest rates of energy poverty in Europe. These are Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia and the United Kingdom. STEP’s overall objective is to alleviate energy poverty by encouraging behavioural change and low-cost energy efficiency solutions among consumers in or at risk of energy poverty through trusted, tailored advice. https://www.stepenergy.eu/
Empowering Energy Poor Citizens through Energy Cooperative Initiatives (POWERPOOR)
The main objective of POWERPOOR is to develop support programmes/schemes for energy poor citizens and encourage the use of alternative financing schemes (e.g. establishing energy communities / cooperatives, crowd funding). POWERPOOR will facilitate experience and knowledge sharing, as well as the implementation of small-scale energy efficiency interventions and the installation of renewable energy sources, increasing the active participation of citizens. Pilot energy poor support programmes/schemes will be designed, developed and implemented in eight countries across Europe, led by a network of certified Energy Supporters and Energy Cooperatives Mentors. Based on the experience gained and the lessons learnt from implementing POWERPOOR, EU policy recommendations and 8 National Roadmaps will be elaborated, so that policy makers at all governance levels can learn from the project. https://powerpoor.eu/
EnergyMeasures is working to identify and recruit energy poor households, who will be provided with low-cost energy measures and facilitated to change their energy-related behaviours and practices through an approach that takes account of the physical nature of their housing units and is reflective of the lived experience of the household members. This work is complemented by engagement with relevant actors to address structural issues surrounding energy poverty through the development of policy and practice measures. www.energymeasures.eu