[21.09.23] ENEA, the Italian energy agency, releases guidebooks for tenants, owners and building managers to save energy

In the framework of the ENPOR project activities, and with the aim to provide information and recommendations to citizens on how to reduce energy consumption and energy bills as well as to increase the adoption of energy efficiency measures, ENEA – the Italian agency for new technologies, energy and a sustainable economic development, has elaborated 2 guidebooks dedicated to owners and tenants and to building managers – in Italian.  

How to save energy at home, improve energy efficiency and indoor comfort?
Saving energy doesn’t only mean to eliminate energy waste, but also being aware of how to use it properly. The guidebooks provide tips and low-cost interventions to implement energy efficiency measures at home, learning how to save some money, and how health, and security can benefit from them.

ENPOR guidebook for building managers: communicating and disseminating the benefits of energy efficiency interventions to reduce energy consumption

ENPOR guidebook for tenants and owners: how to reduce energy consumption and make your house more energy efficient

The 2 guidebooks have been co-designed and validated by the Italian REACT Group members and ENEA team: Edoardo Pandolfi, Christian Girardello, Lorenza Daroda, Anna Amato, and Ilaria Sergi.

ENPOR guidebooks will be disseminated at national level trough websites and social media of ENEA and ItaliainClasseA, the Italian Energy Efficiency Training and Information National Program (https://italiainclassea.enea.it), as well as through the networks of the following REACT Group members: AECI, Alleanza contro la Poverta’ Energetica, Condofacile, Fondazione Giuseppe di Vittorio, Studio Pasina, UNAI Ancona and Canale energia.